We had a major version change occur at v5295 of MecaStack, after that version the input file structure changed. If you are trying to load an input file that is v5295 or older, sometimes there are problems running and or loading in the latest version. There are a couple of options:
1) Download and install v5295 and run it in that version.
- During installation, you can give it a different folder so that it won't install over your current version. This will allow you to run the current and old version:
2) Open the Old file in MecaStack v5295
- Open the file in MecaStack v5295
- Save it using a different name so that you don't overwrite your original file.
- For example, if your original file was "Stack.stk" then rename it to "Stack_v5295.stk" when you save it in v5295.
- After doing this you might be able to open the v5295 version of the input file in the current version of MecaStack.