If you need to access an old version of the software, there is a way to do that.  We don't have every old version saved, but you should be able to get within 1 or 2 versions of the one you seek.  Below is the format of the download link:


In the above link the XXXX represents the version number.  For example if you want to download version 5532 then replace the XXXX with 5532 as shown below.  . 


Copy the link above, and paste it into the address bar of your browser (Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, etc..).  The file should begin downloading.  

If you tried a specific version it it doesn't work, then try increasing the version until you find one that exists on our server.  For example, in the above example you would next try 5533.  

Click here if you want to see the revision history for the software.