The minimum system requirements to install the software on a computer are the following:
System Requirements:
OS:- Windows 10 (x64) or Windows 11(x64)
- Windows 10/11 (ARM64) in x64 emulator mode may work but is not officially supported.
- 8 GB or more Required
- 16 GB or more Recommended
- Intel or AMD
- 4 Cores or greater
- Nvidia, AMD, or Intel
- 4GB or greater
- Driver less than 1 year old (Highly Important)
- Supports: OpenGL v2.0 or newer OR Direct3D 11 feature level 9_3 or newer
- Min Resolution: 1920 by 1080 pixels
- SSD required
- 500 MB free space needed
- File Locations: See Permissions Section below
- Meca Application will not run directly on Apple based products; however, if the user has a Windows emulator (Bootcamp, parallels, or similar) then they can run the program within those environments.
- Emulator must run one of the OS's Listed above.
- See Software Compatibility with An Apple / Mac Computer for more details.
- All Single User License Types cannot be run on a virtual machine.
- Network License Type will run on a virtual machine.
- Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8 or Newer
- (4.8 Installed automatically by software in "All Windows User" mode).
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable (x64) - 14.36.32522 or newer
- (Installed automatically by software in "All Windows User" mode ).
- All Windows Users Install Mode:
- Must be capable of installing software with administrator rights.
- Single Windows User Install Mode:
- Does not need need administrator rights if Microsoft .Net and Visual C++ is already installed.
- Install for Single User Only:
- Software will only run for the user that installed the software (multiple users may independently install)
- Local User Groups:
- Member of “Users” or equivalent to install or run
- Does not need need administrator rights to install if Microsoft .Net and Visual C++ is already installed.
- Member of “Users” or equivalent to install or run
- File Permissions:
- Read/Write:
- %UserProfile%/AppData/Roaming/<Meca Software Name>
- Normally C:/Users/<UserName>/AppData/Roaming/<Meca Software Name>
- %UserProfile%/AppData/Roaming/MecaMaterial
- Normally C:/Users/<UserName>/AppData/Roaming/MecaMaterial
- %UserProfile%/AppData/Local/Programs/<Meca Software Name>
- Registry:
- Read/Write:
- Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\<Meca Software Name>
- Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\.<Ext>
- Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\<Meca Software Name>
- Read Only:
- Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
- Read/Write:
- Install for All Users:
- Will run for all users on the pc
- Local User Groups:
- Member of “Administrators” or equivalent to Install
- Member of “Users” or equivalent to Run
- Member of “Administrators” or equivalent to Install
- File Permissions:
- Read/Write:
- %UserProfile%/AppData/Roaming/<Meca Software Name>
- Normally C:/Users/<UserName>/AppData/Roaming/<Meca Software Name>
- %UserProfile%/AppData/Roaming/MecaMaterial
- Normally C:/Users/<UserName>/AppData/Roaming/MecaMaterial
- %UserProfile%/AppData/Roaming/<Meca Software Name>
- Read Only to Run (Read/Write to Install):
- %PROGRAMFILES%/<Meca Software Name>
- Normally C:/Program Files/<Meca Software Name>
- Note: old version used %PROGRAMFILES(x86)%/<Meca Software Name>
- %PROGRAMFILES%/<Meca Software Name>
- Read/Write:
- Registry:
- Read/Write:
- Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\<Meca Software Name>
- Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\.<Ext>
- Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\<Meca Software Name>
- Read Only:
- Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
- Read Only to Run (Read/Write to Install):
- Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\<Meca Software Name>
- Read/Write:
- Internet Access is required to use the software
- For licensing purposes
- For purchasing, support, download, etc
- For support and ticketing
- https://*
- For newsletters and communication needs
Proxy Credential (only if proxy is used by your company):
- <Normally not required>
- Address: <Provided by your IT, May prepopulate from windows settings>
- Name: <Provided by your IT, may be the same as your windows login name>
- Password: <Provided by your IT, may be the same as your windows login password>
Email (Recommended):
- Allows users to directly send error reports, enhancement requests, attached files, etc. to
- Address:
- Port: 587
TeamViewer (Recommended):
- Allows support to remotely assist client
- You may need to exclude or whitelist this application form your antivirus and/or security software.
- * (* is wildcard)
Ports (Outbound):
- 443 (Required)
- 5938 (Recommended)
- For better performance